Indiginous restaurant Kū-kŭm to open at 581 Mt. Pleasant

An indigenous peoples restaurant known as Kū-kŭm will open shortly at 581 Mount Pleasant Rd. in the former Mogette Bistro. The Chef, Joseph Shawana, a native of Manitoulin Island, will preside. It is said Kū-kŭm will offer a roasted rack of elk, poached pike, braised venison, smoked whitefish pate, pine needle and citrus sorbet and purple beet root ice cream. Could be good.

  2 comments for “Indiginous restaurant Kū-kŭm to open at 581 Mt. Pleasant

  1. I am so excited to eat here. I have eaten Indigenous food from NWT, Haida Gwaii and Northern Ontario. There is supposed to be an opening.. I have not been able to reach anyone connected to the restaurant. Can’t leave a message on the phone number.
    Any ideas anyone on how to find out when the opening is?

  2. amazing. I will definitely be patronizing this establishment when it opens. Can’t wait!

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