Costco pulls Pekkle sleeper because of “scratchy” snap

Today’s Parent reports that Costco Canada has voluntarily pulled Pekkle baby sleepers from its shelves after a complaint in mid-April that a snap fell off and scratched a child. Costco says: “We pulled out the product and notified Health Canada and the supplier, and then we’re expecting directions from Health Canada.” Today’s Parent says that so far Health Canada has not announced an official recall of the sleepers, but is reviewing the case. Advice to those who have these sleepers is to stop using them. Costco has not said if it will be offering refunds for the Pekkle sleepers.

  2 comments for “Costco pulls Pekkle sleeper because of “scratchy” snap

  1. Good for you Costco and Pekkle for taking this serious. Thank you for caring about children’s safety

  2. Where am I going to be able to buy Pekkle now?? That’s all I buy… over one little scratch… thats ridiculous! Hope Costco puts them back soon that’s one of the only reasons why I go there.

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