Lorne Grabher case heads to Nova Scotia Supreme Court

A release Monday morning from the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms says a notice has been filed with the Nova Scotia Supreme Court on behalf of resident Lorne Grabher. It asks that the court find the government’s decision to revoke Grabher’s personalized license plates is a violation of his constitutional freedom of expression. It also asks that the court find the decision was “arbitrary, unreasonable, based on irrelevant considerations, an abuse of authority, a denial of procedural fairness, and otherwise invalid.”  The plates, which had been in the Grabher family since 1991, were determined to be “socially unacceptable” by the Nova Scotia Registry of Motor Vehicles earlier year. The justice centre has issued bumper stickers (below) which may be purchased for $5 or three for $10 as a form of support for Grabher and his action.

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