Stop sign petition calls for four-way at Rumsey at Millwood

Reader Kate Young has gone online at the petition website to call for a stop sign on Millwood Rd. at Rumsey Road.   She writes: “We need a stop sign at the Rumsey & Millwood intersection. This is the main entrance of Trace Manes park as well as the only corner of the park that doesn’t have a safe direct access. Also a main route that children use to walk the one of the five schools within the immediate area. Hopefully it will also slow the traffic between the lights at McRae & Sutherland.” As of Saturday, 32 people had signed the petition. It was posted Thursday. The petition is here   Ms. Young is the mother of three children, five, three and one. She told The Bulldog that she has seen minor accidents and hundreds of kids crossing here. One concern is the increased activity which will surround the new Avoca Chocolates (and Gelato) shop opening on the corner in June.