Skimpy Service Ontario groans under weight of population

There are 14 million people in Ontario, a province with a provincial debt of some $350 billion. These simple facts seem to cut straight to the heart of what ails Service Ontario. From disappearing walk-in locations to a cranky online system that doesn’t recognize valid driver information to 15-week waits for a birth certificate, Service Ontario is groaning under the load of essential demands from Ontarians. Most recently, CTV tells of parents waiting as long as 15 weeks to obtain a simple birth certificate. Drivers trying to avoid 45-minutes in line for a license renewal are unable to process valid data online. The data is recognized as perfectly correct by a human agent. The really upsetting part of this sad state of things is that Ontario’s crushing debt makes it seem likely that long lines, long waits and wasted time is the future at Service Ontario. CTV