Like it or not, Hyundai is moving up

You can say what you like about Hyundai, but there is just no doubt that the once funny little car company has changed its style. and it has changed minds. The South Korean firm has worked its way up to a new level of acceptance. Once known for making vehicles that didn’t meet everyone’s expectations, Hyundai now has a track record for setting the standard for reliability, quality, safety, convenience, technology and owner loyalty. It’s factual. You don’t have to like the Hyundai to acknowledge it. The 2011 Equis luxury model above is an example of the new wind blowing across the Pacific from Seoul. Among other things, Hyundai seems to understand location. It will be a brilliant coupe for Hyundai if it can locate on Laird Drive, where Gyro Mazda is now trying to place a Hyundai showroom opposite its existing dealership. All previous Hyundai posts.