Month: January 2011

Leaside Hockey Silent Auction

The 21st Anniversary Leaside Flames Select Tournament will run from Friday, February 11 to Sunday, February 13 this year. The Leaside Hockey Association will conduct its silent auction fundraiser in conjunction with the tournament. Drew Homewood has asked local business and others to donate gift baskets, merchandise or services to support the auction and the hockey association. Drew may be contacted at (416) 456-5114 or

South Bayview is dollar store dreaming

As we ponder the scuttlebutt that there will soon be a dollar store on South Bayview, take this into consideration. In a recent conference call with reporters and analysts, Dollarama boss Larry Rossy said the chain will open “as many stores as possible” in coming years even if this sometimes leads to cannibalization of sales. ”We are limited by nothing, apart from the fact that every opening must be sensible.” Dollarama must consider the pending arrival of the U.S. branch of Dollar Tree, scheduled to begin this year. An entirely unconfirmed story is circulating in shops that the space now occupied by Shoppers Drug Mart will be taken by an unnamed dollar store when the drug giant moves up the street in a couple of months.

Brilliant Sunday a great tonic

Sunday’s brilliant sunshine was a great tonic in spite of the cold. South Bayviewites were busy at church, shopping and in the case of this gentleman on Rolph Road, cleaning the snow from the driveway. But, of course, he wasn’t too busy to stop and chat. Thanks. Down below, a sunny day always brings out many who want to wash their cars. This was the scene at the Toronto Auto Wash at Millwood and the CPR tracks.

Dollar store talk may be idle chat

It’s merely idle talk, but some people on South Bayview are saying a dollar store will take the space now occupied by Shoppers Drug Mart. This story, being told in a couple of locations, is said to trace back to a party who might well know, but then again, could merely be talking. Time will tell if this large and suitable space goes discount.

All hands on deck for Bayview phones

Merchants on the east side of South Bayview will know that Bell service has, over the years, been spotty. The servicemen are very nice but the phones frequently failed in the face of the ancient wire system. Now with the planned arrival of Shoppers Drug Mart at their new location its “All Hands on Deck” to shape up the service. Trucks, supervisors in groups up and down the utility holes, up and down ladders and of course in and out of the premises at 1605 Bayview where Shoppers will locate. We’re told the furious work resulted in a punctured water pipe yesterday. Messy but as with most things, it was repaired. Anyway, good luck to our hard working service friends at Bell at upgrading the phones.

We bid farewell to “thrifty store” Zeller’s

The Hudson Bay company has provided a nice history of Zeller’s, the store chain which seems destined to disappear from Canadian streets after 80 years of business. Even though there is a plan to keep some Zeller’s stores operating, the writing seems to be on the wall about the end of the chain. Target stores of the U.S. has bought most of the leases and it seems likely the rest will go shortly. In 1931, a Waterloo County boy named Walter P. Zeller (left) bought the 14 Canadian stores of American retailer Schulte-United. And so was Zeller’s born. Zeller called his concept the Store for Thrifty Canadians and even during the depression his plan worked. All during WWII and into the 50s and 60s the Zeller’s concept thrived and Zeller expanded, And Zeller proved to be a good employer with an unknown at the time, a company pension plan and competitive pay..