City Council approves arena expansion

Brooke Biscoe, Chair of the Leaside Arena Expansion Board has sent good news about funding for the expansion plan. Below is an excerpt and Brooke’s full message can seen here.
“City Council gives green light to Arena Expansion Project Great news! When City Council approved the 2011 Capital Budget on Thursday, they gave the official go-ahead to the arena expansion project at Leaside Gardens.
Thank you! This is a major milestone on the long road to our second rink and it’s a good time to pause and thank all those who have worked so hard on the project over the past decade, and particularly in the past eighteen months. Thanks to the members of the expansion committee and to our three primary partner associations – the LSC, LHA and TLGHA – who continue to work closely with us as we move towards the goal. I would like to single out Expansion Committee Chair Paul Mercer for keeping things on track, and Councillor John Parker for bringing people together at City Hall and clearing the road for approval.”