Analysts say the lively coffee shop competition has taken its toll on Second Cup, a constant haunt for so many of us. But Stacey Mowbray (above), the company’s CEO, is vowing to change that. “We are very much back in growth mode,” she says. The company plans to add up to 30 locations this year, and is looking to open 130 more over the next few years in order to reverse a long decline. In 2000, Second Cup boasted 390 locations across the country, but that number has been winnowed to 340. Starbucks, meanwhile, ballooned from 238 to more than 1,000 stores over the same period. Locally, as we know, the amiable Hong Ngo has re-invigorated business in the South Bayview shop. Friendly service is a vital ingredient for success. Customers like to be addressed by name. Second Cup also has to identify new franchisees who are able to carry it off. That’s not always easy. And, Second Cup needs to look to variety and ingredients of muffins. Many coffee shop patrons will tell you that the coffee is pretty much good whereever you go. Muffins frequently give a shop an edge.
SBB with information from Canadian Business Online.