As expected, our new Shoppers Drug Mart is a dazzling place with much attractive inventory. Product lines range through the essential cosmetics to such things as cameras. Also as expected, customers must pass a short distance through cosmetics to get to the rest of the store. Interestingly, Shoppers has reversed the locations of the dispensary and the food market from earlier versions of the two story Shoppers. In these, the dispensary is on the first floor and the food is on the second. Clearly, there will be a greater demand on the first level for impulse purchases from the food market. The dispensary, on the other hand, is pretty much an obligatory destination. There are stairs and an elevator. The selection of food items is quite extensive. Many people will be prompted to pick up a quick dinner. Exiting of the store is a bit curious. There are two rather narrow check out lanes and if you just want to leave, you have to push past waiting customers. Maybe its a protection against pilferers. Finally, the post office is upstairs, with what seems to be more space for this essential service. If you have an impression of the new Shoppers, please leave a comment. You can do so anonymously.