How now! Here is unsurprising news

This day brings with it news which is unsurprising. Not boring, mind you, just unsurprising. It’s stuff you knew intuitively. For example, Anthony Weiner has told his friends that he will resign. No one is saying “Really?” The Vancouver Goons, who play a more lamentable game than the Canucks, topped up their self esteem by burning some police cars. Way to go guys. And there is word that the bloodthirsty humorist Ayman al-Zawahiri says he’s going to lead that loose group of killers known as Losers at Large. To which a CIA gun said Mr. al-Zawahiri may have trouble doing that because “we’re going to off him ASAP.” Finally, the South Bayview Bulldog’s Annual Headline of the Day Award goes to the Globe and Mail for Acropolis Now. Nice. Actually that one was surprising.