Is graffiti really art or merely graffarti?

We have a special treat for you today. Here are some genuine pieces of South Bayview graffiti. Don’t you care for them? Would you like to see them gone? Especially off of your garage? Then friends you are subject to the same appalling middle class authoritarianism that afflicts the new municipal administration. The trendiest foreboding says that Rob Ford and his mad wall painters can’t tell art from artichokes. Many fears have surfaced. One struggling artist said that if they prevent him from painting on freight cars no one in the U.S. will see his work. Okay, let’s get a grip. When Rudy Giuliani was elected Mayor of New York in 1996, he was reviled for saying he would clean up the streets and subway. He did it and was revered for his efforts well before his heroics on 9-11. New York survives as the art capital of the Western World. You can find all sorts there, even our crossover category of doubtful art, graffarti. The great, the giddy and the gruesome. Just not on your garage.