According to the company, Rogers cable and internet service was out for the day in what Rogers calls a fairly widespread outage. TV screens turned to hash about 8 am. Thursday and lit up again with full service again shortly before 7 pm. This report is from Moore Park. Readers are invited to comment with other locations where service was down.
Yes, it’s inconvenient but have we become so spoiled that we expect things like the Internet and cable TV never to break down? Only a few years ago the telephone meant a rotary dial landline sometimes shared with another party and TV reception was streamed through rabbit ears. I am not defending Rogers (or Bell) but I find it a marvel that breakdowns of this sort are relatively rare.
Anything you missed on TV you can see on the Internet tomorrow. :))
I am at Yonge and St. Clair too, and had down the cable, internet AND home phone the whole day; totally cut off from the world. I had to go to a payphone to call Rogers to find out what’s going on; they told me service will start at 1:30PM, but it started just only now around 10PM.
I am at yonge st Clair and still no cable or Internet!
no outage today at all, at bayview & moore
rogers is hugely reliable, no more than one brief outage per year over the last few years