Josh Matlow calls for $500 stopping fine

Councillor Josh Matlow is going to ask Council to approve a $500 fine for drivers who block Toronto roads during rush-hour traffic. This “blocking” language is from a Citytv story. We take it that the Councillor means stopping on a street during rush hour. In this case, says Mr. Matlow, it seems that selfish drivers are blocking the curb lanes so they can grab a morning coffee. He wants it stopped. That’s okay. We’re in favour of obeying the Highway Traffic Act and all its off-shoots. Of course, it’s a matter of personal opinion which part of it you find most important. People — even nice people — who make illegal U-turns frequently place those all around them in peril. A $500 fine? Maybe. And then there are cyclists flying through stop signs and red lights. Fairly scary. At $500 an infraction the City would soon be flush. Let’s think this through. Does someone who is desperately trying to pick up his kid or wife deserve a $500 ticket if he stops on a thoroughfare during rush hour? The laws, as we know, aren’t applied selectively to coffee drinkers. You decide.

  1 comment for “Josh Matlow calls for $500 stopping fine

  1. Thanks for your good questions. You, and any of your readers, are very welcome to contact me to discuss this or any issue at

    PS- We live near South Bayview and I’d appreciate hearing your views about how to improve our remarkable main street.



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