Councillor Josh Matlow is going to ask Council to approve a $500 fine for drivers who block Toronto roads during rush-hour traffic. This “blocking” language is from a Citytv story. We take it that the Councillor means stopping on a street during rush hour. In this case, says Mr. Matlow, it seems that selfish drivers are blocking the curb lanes so they can grab a morning coffee. He wants it stopped. That’s okay. We’re in favour of obeying the Highway Traffic Act and all its off-shoots. Of course, it’s a matter of personal opinion which part of it you find most important. People — even nice people — who make illegal U-turns frequently place those all around them in peril. A $500 fine? Maybe. And then there are cyclists flying through stop signs and red lights. Fairly scary. At $500 an infraction the City would soon be flush. Let’s think this through. Does someone who is desperately trying to pick up his kid or wife deserve a $500 ticket if he stops on a thoroughfare during rush hour? The laws, as we know, aren’t applied selectively to coffee drinkers. You decide.
Thanks for your good questions. You, and any of your readers, are very welcome to contact me to discuss this or any issue at
PS- We live near South Bayview and I’d appreciate hearing your views about how to improve our remarkable main street.