Superintendent Larry Sinclair is retiring from the Toronto Police Service. Superintendent Sinclair has been the unit commander of 53 division since November 2004. In a farewell letter to residents in the current divisional monthly report, Superintendent Sinclair recalls with pleasure his job helping to police 53 division, which of course includes South Bayview. Here is part of what Superintendent Sinclair has to say: “Today I am proud to count so many of you as my friends. 53 Division is very fortunate to have so many community leaders. Your unselfish generosity in sharing your time and talents is inspiring. The commitment and support you have demonstrated toward the goals of safety, security and quality of life is immeasurable. On behalf of our members, I thank you. I say with certainty there is no Division better served by community members. I am indebted to you all.” Inspector Bruce Johnston has also decided to retire. Staff Inspector Heinz Kuck (formerly 53 Division Community Response Unit Manager and most recently the second in command at 51Division) has been assigned as the new Unit Commander and Inspector Joanna Beaven-Desjardins as the second in command. The full letter
Does anyone wonder why police use railway-like titles for their rankings? Superintendent seems to belong more at the old CPR than the police. Why not just use the army rankings, lieutenant, captain, colonel, etc?