Now here is the glass-is-half-full news

From the glass is half full department, it may be true that Mayor Ford has been talking on his cellphone while driving again. Silly man. But, the good news is that his worship was still in Toronto while he did it. This can be contrasted with the previous chief magistrate of our town who frequently used his cellphone in Paris, London, Rome, Tokyo, Sydney and other interesting places. When he was in Toronto he was packing to leave. Secondly, those who worry that the sliding fortunes of Research in Motion might lead to the disappearance of their beloved Blackberry, fear not. There is talk of a takeover today and what this means is that the massive user-base of the hand computer will always be a force for survival of the Blackberry. Remember the Apple computer. Finally, we judge it to be good news that “unions” have joined the demonstrations in New York aimed at (take your choice). The thing about unions is that they’re made up of usually honest, hard-working bread-winners who, unlike the rest of the demonstrators, are rather cool to the idea of a dictatorship of the proletariat. And that’s good.