Debt, Blackouts and the Mayor’s home life

If you are worrying about your personal debt, it’s very likely that you’ve also made a resolution to get it under control. That’s the word from CIBC  which has polled a sample of average Canucks and found they are vowing to get back into the black. That’s good.  Speaking of the black, let’s hope we don’t have too much of the lights-out kind here in Toronto. Many engineers and union bodies are saying the province is not addressing the need to re-build Toronto Hydro’s infrastructure. They say we’re heading for a crisis. Given the number of planned power plants that have arbitrarily been cancelled during election campaigns, that prediction seems fairly believable. As to Mayor Ford, the Toronto Star has run a story saying there was a call to 911 on Christmas morning from his mother-in-law. She claimed Mr Ford had been drinking and was trying to take his kids to Florida without his wife’s permission.  Police say they find no evidence of physical abuse and there is no corroboration that the mayor drinks to excess. What does this story say about Ford?  Maybe that he has a very busy mother-in-law. What does it say about the Star?