Neighbours deeply shocked by fatal “argument”

A police car and the police identification unit sat outside the modest semi-detached home which was the focus of investigation. The address is on Airdrie Rd just north of Heath Road. As reported in the post below, a man is in custody following the discovery of a woman’s body in the home. Neighbors are deeply shocked. They spoke of a domestic argument.  It appears police came to the home Sunday around 4 p.m. It is not clear how or by whom they were called. The Toronto Sun and the Toronto Star have published a photograph of a door and porch of a home which is part of a semi-detached residence at 211 Airdrie Rd..  According to a story in the Star neighbours said Lisa Lebitka, 45, was renting the home, where she lived with her boyfriend, known to them as Paul, her three young children from a previous marriage and their golden retriever, Bella.