Summer of discontent as Ash trees die

For those who wish to treat their Ash trees against the Emerald Ash Borer Beetle (or EAB) the summer of 2012 is now or never. That’s especially true in the South Bayview  neighborhoods (inset)  where no signs of morbidity have yet been spotted. Elsewhere in the City, trees are dying in large numbers and its too late to save them. Toronto’s Urban Forestry Branch says it has to assume that the City is pretty much fully infected and it’s just a matter of time  before the killer EAB takes down all the Ashes. The treatment is a deep injection of chemicals known as  TreeAzin  But it’s expensive ($250 each for as many as three shots per tree) and it has a mixed reputation as to how it ultimately affects the tree. The City’s website has a lot of information and advice for those concerned about maintaining the shade and beauty of our neighborhoods. Urban Forestry Branch.