City bans plastic bags outright — no exceptions

Drop the bags lady

Get ready for a black market in plastic bags. Got a bag? It’s okay. Joe sent me. It seems to be coming as City Council enacts an outright ban on plastic bags in Toronto. In particular, Council has voted 24-20 to ban any retailer from giving you a plastic bag for any reason whatsoever. Lobalws, Cobs, Chai on Bayview, Homefront, Right Impressions, Mac’s, Subway Sandwich. The list goes on and on. And it seems highly likely, if this ban sticks, that someone is going to get charged under the law. Will it be you? Seen on the street with a plastic bag? .Where did you get that plastic bag ma’am?  Don’t you know that it’s illegal to give someone a plastic bag. Do you have any more at home?