There will be a meeting Monday, June 7, 2012 at 7 p.m. in the William Lea Room at the Leaside Arena, 1073 Millwood Road. The subject will be the huge, 147,000 square foot retail development proposed for the lands to the north of Wicksteed Avenue. This is an extension of the SmartCentres development of recent years to the south of Wicksteed. It’s odd shape has won it the name of the Salamander. It features a sinister box-type building of some 83,000 square feet — more or less perfect for a new style Walmart. There’s no confirmation of this tenant but as organizers say, the developer is being cagey about who he is talking to. The meeting is being held by Unite Leaside and the Leaside Property Owners Association (LPOA). Several informed speakers will explore the nature of the planned development, describe the process for City approvals and highlight concerns about traffic, density and other local issues. Go to the website for information.