Queen did James Bond skit “in one take”

Her Majesty has said via a spokesperson that she greatly enjoyed her little joke about arriving at the Olympics yesterday by parachuting out of James Bond’s helicopter. Buckingham Palace officials said the Queen did her part in the skit “in one take.” Video of the skit which had been posted on YouTube has since been taken down. One British newspaper called the Queen’s participation in the film her debut as “a Bond girl”. Billions watched worldwide as James Bond, played by actor Daniel Craig, was summoned to Buckingham Palace to accept his latest mission to take the Queen to the Olympic stadium. The two are seen leaving the palace and boarding a helicopter. It makes a picturesque flight over London to patriotic music and then, as it hovers over the stadium, stunt doubles playing the Queen and Craig, leap from the chopper (right). The short film is called Happy and Glorious.