Helen Godfrey started Bayview Buckets project

Helen Godfrey
As a further note on the project known as Bayview Buckets we have a link to a posting by Helen Godfrey, in which she talks about her inspiration to start an adopt-a-tree program for South Bayview (west side for the time being). Here is what Ms. Godfrey writes: “Street trees are often neglected and I have long felt that communities should take some responsibility for their care. In my neighbourhood, on Bayview Avenue north of Davisville subway station, there is a four-block commercial strip that thrives – but unlike the businesses, the trees aren’t doing so well. The west side is lined with trees in concrete planters but the east is presently without any greenery due to sidewalk reconstruction. The difference between the two is stark and so I decided to attempt a tree care project. More.