160 Dinnick Crescent listed for $1,769,000

Public information indicates that the handsome home at 160 Dinnick Crescent is for sale at a list price of $1,769,000. It is listed by Heaps Estrin Real Estate.  The home is located across the street from the property at 140 Dinnick. That was the site of an 82-year-old structure which has now been demolished after a legal dispute as to whether it should have been declared a heritage site. Previous post.  In this photo taken many months ago, you can see 160 Dinnick in the foreground and 140 Dinnick in the background. The selling price for 140 Dinnick when it was purchased for demolition was $1,875,000.  As the controversy over 140 Dinnick unfolded some neighbors on the street said they were concerned that their retirement plans would be seriously affected if their homes were to be declared a heritage site.