It’s a brilliant Saturday morning and with any luck you will have a nice day wherever you roam around South Bayview. As noted below, the Mount Pleasant Village Harvest Fair goes off today. And there is the sidewalk barbecue organized by the Royal Bank at Bayview and Belsize Drive today. Talk about a good free lunch if you’re shopping there today. Downtown will be the usual obstacle course of closed roads for those wishing to attend Nuit Blanche events tonight. Yonge St. will be closed between Wellington St. and Gerrard St. from 8 a.m. Saturday until 10 a.m. Sunday. Queen St. and King St. Queen St. will be closed between Jarvis St. and University Ave. from 5 p.m. Best not to tackle thus one without plans to do a lot of walking. Elsewhere, the TTC has agreed “in principle” to a five-cent fare increase. Watch for it later this year.