A compelling video (see it here) has been posted on YouTube showing a young couple tracking a man who was riding a $1000 bicycle stolen from their garage two weeks ago. Dave Park and Vanessa Crossley were in their car in west-central Toronto when they spotted the distinctive bicycle beside them at a traffic light. The couple began a careful pursuit of the bike and its rider. Finally they were able to pull up beside him in a laneway. All the while Ms Crossley had her phone cam video rolling. As you watch the video on our free-standing page, listen to the couple. “My heart’s beating,” says Ms. Crossley as they close in on the bike and rider. Then follows a spirited exchange in which the young couple demand the return of their bicycle and the rider contends that he got the bike “from my buddy.” The debate comes to end however when the owners produce a police report on the theft of the bike from their garage. The rider quickly hands over the bicycle and goes on his way on foot.