Scotiabank Nuit Blanche is out there all night

The now annual spectacular of downtown Toronto lighted up and changed around is on. In some respects you have to be there to fully appreciate it   The exhibits shown in  the video above are delightful. Art-candy. Another seemed obscure but Museum for the End of the World sort of tickled out sense of bewilderment. The artist searched out more than two hundred schlock movies about the end of the world and then edited them down to five minutes each.. Then there is this tweet from a hapless Blancher sent about 9 p.m. “Traffic is already brutal at Bay and Adelaide, both for cars and pedestrians. The slow parade of taxis show their anger at pedestrians who have overtaken the intersection with a chorus of honks that equals the music at the nearby Fun House. One pedestrian: “I feel like a salmon.””  Torontoist has some nice pictures of things.