Casa Loma one of Toronto’s great misfortunes

It is widely acknowledged to be an ugly white elephant. It was a useless burden on the community in the beginning and it has defeated every well-intentioned effort over the decades to find any worthwhile existence for it.  Casa Loma is truly one of Toronto ‘s great misfortunes. Maybe Councillors Josh Matlow and Joe Mihevc   have struck on a use that will make us want to go there. Make it as valuable as the lands it sits on. But their plan to put  a municipal museum in there seems like more of the same. Listen.  God bless them for trying. But it’s quite  a stretch to think that a museum is going to inspire I Love Casa Loma bumper stickers. Why not go for broke?  Can we find a sheik who would like to disassemble Casa Loma and pay us to take it block by block back to Arabia?   What a break that would be.  Beyond that, this Philistine Bulldog would demolish the fearsome “castle.”  Put a few of its better parts in a  museum and use the land properly.