Creepy Peter Pencil Eater finally dispatched by deadly lead

A highly imaginative Halloween display on the lawn at 384 Belsize Drive recounts the evils of chewing your pencil. Left, Creepy Peter Pencil Eater is portrayed dead (see below) while (centre) kids peek into his wretched house in terror. Right, the hoard of pencils which finally dispatched Peter. This front yard fun comes with a carefully inscribed warning sign as follows:

Pencils were his favorite lunch,
top to bottom he would crunch
At first just one — or may be two
Then he bit off more to chew
Hoarding pencils in his desk,
His workplace was a horrid mess
His boss said “Go! You filthy louse”
And move these pencils to your house
His life turned dark his only light
Was pencil chewing day and night
His hair fell out, his skin turned grey
— then horror on that fateful day 
On a chair they found him dead
Poisoned by the pencil lead 

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