Here are some people who worked on Halloween

Hope your Halloween plans are going well. If you have a job you probably needed to work just the same. Not like City Council. They voted to leave early today. We’ll let you judge. But look here. Rene the letter carrier made the most of the occasion and of her job. She dresses up every year to entertain her South Bayview customers. This is a very good get up, Rene.  Below, two ladies who work at Homefront and still managed to celebrate Halloween. Brook Saltzman (right) came dressed as her boss Bonnie Kruger (left). A very nice idea well executed by Brook who only complained that she couldn’t find the necessary string of pearls. Back to City Hall for a moment, the inspiration for leaving early came from Ward  16 Councillor Karen Stintz After some back and forthing Councillor Ford said:  “This is ridiculous. We have six speakers. Let’s just vote: we’re either leaving or staying.” So they a left at 4.30 and there was no need to ask the boss. That would be you.