Looks like a Ding-Dong Dollarama Christmas

That’s right friends, if Dollarama at 1531 Bayview Ave. isn’t open by Christmas call this scribbler a Terrier not a Bulldog. Every night the lights blaze and a peek through the (very narrow) crack in the papering shows shelves moving into place. For Dollarama this one is just store umpty-umpty in a business model that only keeps spiralling up. And no doubt they will do well. But the question remains as to whether the South Bayview buyer will merely look or shout “I’ll take this.” Anyone who has gone through Dollarama knows that it has an amazing array of goods. Some of it seems to have function, depending on the context. But frankly much if it  appears dreadfully poor and unappealing. How will all that $2 stuff play with customers? We say you will be able to take a look on Bayview before the big man boards the reindeer shuttle for points south.