Now here’s your Rob Ford news in a minute

There’s no need to plough through the many leads produced by everyone else.  Here’s what he’s been doing. Mr Ford and his brother, Doug, say the so-called accountability offices at City Hall are “tripping over each other to keep busy” and ought to be abolished. These offices are relatively recent creations overseen by Toronto ombudsman Fiona Crean, Toronto lobbyist registrar Linda Gehrke, and integrity commissioner Janet Leiper. Give their jobs to a lawyer for a fee, the Mayor says.  This after some over the top criticisms of City Medical Officer Dr David McKeown.  He called the doctor an embarrassment for recommending that speed limits be reduced to protect pedestrians. The Mayor retracted that but still thinks the idea is loopy and that the doctor is overpaid at $294,000 a year.. Then it was revealed that he and his brother had a meeting with 20 councillors of similar sympathies to plan their strategy for the remainder of the municipal term which expires with the general election in November 2014.