Chic Edwardian “helmets” mark 2012 Mud Bowl

The high sense of fun that inspired and helped execute the re-incarnation of the 1950 CFL Mud Bowl today is to be applauded. (The original game is on the left, the replay on the right).  However, it is like The South Bayview Bulldog to notice first and foremost not the slop but rather the high sports sense of fashion possessed by the many reporters and others who played in today’s re-enactment. The video on the right was produced by The Sports Network and features their reporter Monika Platek. On her head  (and those of the other players) is what appears to be a leather football cap similar to those used on the day that the Grey Cup was first awarded in 1909.  How come we are only now celebrating the 100th Gray Cup?  There was a three year interregnum during WWI