Hundreds on Heather’s Walk in South Bayview

Several hundred happy people marched through South Bayview Saturday morning in Heather’s Walk for Homelessness. It was a heartfelt response to the life and work of Heather Scholer, a supporter of the advocacy body known as Raising the Roof. It is dedicated to ending homelessness. Their target was to raise $10,000 and it appears they were well on their way by this morning. Each walker wore a Heather Button (inset). Here was see three friends as the group passed through Moore Ave at Orchard Green. The whole route went from the Granite Brewery at Eglinton Ave. E. and Mt Pleasant Rd. southbound to Carstowe Rd. and through Moore Park via Maclennan Ave. and Welland Ave. to Moore. Thence the walkers went up South Bayview, and back along Eglinton to the starting point. Healthy.