Less frequent mail delivery in our future?

Canada Post and its associated delivery firms are having a very tough time making a go of delivering paper mail. The mail deliverer has reported its sixth consecutive quarter of losses as volumes shrink on the public’s shift away from paper.  The post office had a third-quarter loss of $50 million, an improvement from a loss of $113 million during the quarter last year. However, it warned its mail volumes are “likely to decline further and rapidly. For the first three quarters of the year, it lost $61 million overall, narrowing a loss of $110 million for the first nine months of 2011. Revenues fell 1.9 per cent to $1.7 billion from $1.8 billion in the 2011 period. Much of this is caused by consumers  turning to online billing as well as email for correspondences. These trends raise the prospect of less frequent mail deliveries.