Postal Station K is sold: Josh Matlow Tweet

Councillor Josh Matlow is tweeting this afternoon that Postal Station K at the southwest corner of Yonge and Montgomery Ave. (Broadway to the east)  has been sold. He was asking followers to join a 4 p.m. rally organized by MPP Mike Colle to once again demand that the building be left as it is. There is indignation that the federal government has sold the post office. Residents around the area are of course concerned about shabby glass high rises. We can only sympathize with those who don’t want to see such things. On the other hand, this is Yonge Street and it is perhaps reasonable for the government to expect to be able to recoup something from a building that is utterly redundant in the day of the twitter and text and Skype.  Good people-oriented redevelopment is what is needed.