Will voters hold their noses and elect Ford again?

Mayor Rob Ford has been ordered out of office but will be permitted to run again in the election in 2014.  Does he have a chance of making such a return? In 2010 Ford relied on the support of at least two groups of voters. There were those who loved him for his ordinary man approach to business and were at peace with his rather rough manner. But the Mayor also gained support from many who did not admire him for his odd unfinished behaviour. They were uneasy about him but they recognized in Mr. Ford someone who would take care of their money. It required these electors to overlook a lot but some will feel that their compromises were worth it. Now Ford is gone from office. But he can run again in 2014. As one of his colleagues has said, if the mayor is to save himself and achieve re-election he must stop leading with his chin. His prospective opponents at the next election include people like Olivia Chow. She is, no doubt, a very nice person. But there seems little doubt that her administration would return Toronto to the spineless days of previous mayors in which it was impossible to say no to any union demand or costly distraction.    

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