Bid for six homes on site of Glebe Presyterian

Application has been made to build three sets of  two semi-detached town homes on the site of the Globe Presbyterian Church at 124 Belsize at De Savery Crescent.  The 1913 church has been for sale most of this year and is now sold. Sale price has not been made public but the listing price was $2,850,000. This limited information comes from the City’s website and reveals no plans or illustrations. The application does say that the homes will sit atop a common underground garage which will be accessed from Belsize Drive. Judging by the value of homes in the Glebe and with an added amenity like an underground garage, the value of each unit will be substantial. Profit to the builder would be very handsome as well if he paid only the listing price  This proposed project however may seem attractive to residents here and elsewhere considering the frequent attempts by developers to challenge zoning with multi-level towers.  Previous post