How is it that a monkey is born in Montreal?

You don’t have to be overly-curious to wonder how a rhesus money gets to be born in Montreal. And we do wonder.  The thrilling events of IKEA Zoologica are merely post script. Because the fun monkey known as Darwin was, according to his former owners  born in Montreal. If that’s true, he had a mother and father there. Let’s just check the Canadian Food Inspection Agency rules.  The government absolutely forbids the entry into Canada of monkeys of any kind for the purposes of keeping them as pets or breeding. There are four ways a rhesus might get by customs legally: for a movie shoot (from the U.S. only); for a zoo or other accredited exhibition (temporary); for research (poor Darwin if that was the plan); in transit (i.e passing through).  He’s a dear little sweetie no doubt but someone should be asking questions in Montreal (or wherever) about how he got born in Canada and then just given away.