Lucky Erin is a poster girl for travel insurance

If you saw Erin Langworthy go hurtling toward the Zambezi River and then watched her bungee cord break, it is safe to say you have not forgotten the sight. At New Year’s last year, the 22 year old Australian backpacker tumbled 111 meters from Victoria Falls bridge into the crocodile-infested Zambezi and lived to tell the story. Now Erin has become a very suitable face of Australia’s new campaign urging tourists to buy travel insurance. In two promotional videos for the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s “Smartraveller” campaign, Erin narrates a postscript to her already well-known story — that she would have faced AU$50,000 (C$51,800) in medical bills in addition to her severe injuries had it not been for her travel insurance. Erin was accompanied by Australian Foreign Minister Bob Carr at a media event kicking off the campaign, which began November 18. Her face and story will be featured on videos, postcards and social media channels. The ministry is also hosting a “Travel Tales” competition, which travelers with horror stories can enter to win AU$6,000 in travel insurance.