Prank call akin to tripping a blind man for fun

It’s all a question of what you find funny. Many people think prank jokes like the one that led to the death of nurse Jacintha Saldanha are roughly akin to tripping a blind man on the street. The present culture doesn’t mind setting up just any stranger (as opposed to an old buddy you’ve known for years) and making a fool of  that victim in public for fun. You tell us. We think it’s the worst reflection of the juvenile brain. Sadly, it occurs in countless juveniles who are over 30. Put the juvenile brain together with  a ruthless business interest and you get the Australian phone call to a vulnerable, conscientious nurse who could not bear the idea that she had let down her employers and patients. The radio station, 2Day, says there was no wrongdoing. Fine. It’s an effort to deflect lawsuits perhaps. But the court of public opinion has its own verdict — Ed.