Promoting health or just pinkwashing business

It’s hard not to have been exposed to the happy girl singing about 5-Hour Energy Pink Lemonade (left). By itself, it’s a pleasant little guitar tune with vocal. But it is also an ad for a so-called energy drink and an example of how business (in this case Avon Corp.) uses the pink ribbon campaign to make money.  Women who are upset about this commercialization express themselves in the video at the right, made by Pink Ribbons Inc. Their concerns are frequently quite bitter. Where does the moral high ground lie in all of this? Comments on the web state resentment but they also point out that a few years ago nobody talked about breast cancer. Sure, Avon was only guaranteeing to give a measly $75,000, but overall, the exploitation of the pink ribbon has raised millions for cancer research. Feel free to leave a comment.