Interest in the OB/Gyne Style video produced by maternity staff at Sunnybrook Hospital has spread around the world. The international publication Sing Tao Daily has picked up the story. It recounts how the Toronto organization Empower Birth has complained that the video is offensive. OB/Gyne Style is a take-off of Psy’s Gangnam Style mega-hit and was first posted on the hospital’s YouTube channel but has since been pulled down. Others, however, have re-posted the video saying that it is all in good fun and that to repress it is an attack on free speech. Sing Tao is read throughout the Far East including South Korea where there are many Mandarin speakers. Comment of readers both on YouTube and in the Toronto Star, which broke the story, has been running largely in favour of the video. A comment from Steve_YYZ ran as follows: “You can’t make everybody happy….. But it seems that all it takes is ONE person without a sense of humour to complain and the hospital bends over backwards to take the video down. I mean, geez…. 90,000 views and one noted complaint mentioned in this article. Truly we’re now living in a pablum, tasteless world where life is expected to be plain vanilla only.” Video is three posts down.