There is a kind of be-still-my-heart quality to the excitement building over the imminent arrival of the Cupecake Girls shop at the Leaside Village on Laird Drive. Two attractive, successful businesswomen with a giggly product, a syndicated cable television program and so much fun in their hearts that the cupcakes may not even have to be good. But they are, we’re certain. The above video recounts the collaboration of Victoria, B.C. schoolgirl pals Lori Joyce and Heather White who just decided one day to throw over everything and make cupcakes. You got to love it. Along the way they employed a promotional flare that is admirable. One video opening shows Heather bopping Lori in the face with a cupcake. Did we say they loved fun? Now, the building is almost finished over at Leaside Village. It’s the place just across the main entrance from the CIBC. It will be open in the New Year.