Tory, NDP members slang it out in Commons

They’re saying in some news reports that the kerfuffle in the Commons between Conservatives and NDP members was just short of fisticuffs. Well, maybe. But it seemed tamer than that. It began when CP house leader Peter Van Loan took issue with a motion from his NDP counterpart Nathan Cullen calling for the House Speaker Andrew Scheer to revoke the report stage of the marathon omnibus budget vote taken Tuesday. Cullen argued that the end of the vote should be deemed “illegitimate” because Finance Minister Jim Flaherty wasn’t in his seat at the time. Van Loan didn’t like that and walked over to Cullen. The mikes were off but it’s said Van Loan’s language was unparliamentary and he may also have used his finger, well you know. The picture shows all the parties, including the cooler heads who arrived to put an end to it. Just like the old Fuddle Duddle days.