City installs “don’t bother” bus shelter

So here we are at the corner of Mt. Pleasant Rd. and Broadway Ave,. outside the venerable Pik Kwik store. That’s just kitty-corner from Northern Secondary. This is where, thanks to the efforts of Jack Lakey, the Toronto Star’s “Fixer”, a new bus shelter has been installed. Except that this lovely shelter, Tuesday’s sunshine glinting off its aluminum-strutted roof, has no sides. No sides! The one that it replaced was wretched, but it had glass sides. It will be enough for most of us to know that the designer of these pieces, Astral Media, should have stuck to radio. The only solace we can offer to those who must gather on this corner when it is cold and windy is that there are two beat-up Bell Canada phone booths there. One of them looks like it would be pretty good as a wind-break.