Congratulations to Premier Kathleen Wynne

The Ontario Liberal leadership balloting was a long marathon of party platitudes from people both important and not so important.  But the now Premier-Designate made her Saturday morning pitch for support a clarifying moment for delegates and members of the public alike. Her speech, in delivery, intellect and freshness, showed her to be the woman for the job. To personally address her opponents, Mr Hudak and Ms Horwath, and  to offer them easily understood reasons for them to work with her, was admirable. We think it must have swayed many undeclared delegates. I care about fiscal responsibility, she said. I care about a fair society. Ms Wynne also expressed a steely determination to win if an early election is necessary. For many in and around the riding of Don Valley West who know Ms Wynne only by her slightly leftish reputation, it was surely refreshing to see their local MPP smack in the centre of the political road. We sincerely wish the Premier well and hope she manages to keep herself and the government in the centre.