Olivia Chow, Rob Ford and Jose Canseco

Toronto MP Olivia Chow is dealing with a facial spasm near her mouth caused by a disorder known as  Ramsay Hunt Syndrome Type II. It is a nerve condition which has partially impeded her ability to smile and make some facial expressions. Ms. Chow, the NDP transport critic, said she was diagnosed with the syndrome after waking up with some discomfort on the left side of her face over the holidays.  The virus causing the disorder has been taken out of her system completely, she said, adding she is no longer taking medication and is not in any pain. In other news, Mayor Ford will hear Monday whether his appeal to stay in office has been granted. Mr. Ford’s lawyer Alan Lenczner will try to persuade a panel of three Divisional Court judges to overturn the ruling that he must vacate his office. That decision stunned many people and was judged by some to be excessive. And finally, out of nowhere comes a whimsical  offer by former Blue Jay Jose Canseco to serve as our chief magistrate. There is a wrinkle. Mr. Canseco seems to understand. In an email to the Toronto Star the 48-year-old said it is unlikely he will be able to solve the obstacle of his citizenship, which is American, not Canadian. 

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