Prime Minister dines on meatball sandwich

Stephen Harper continues his just-plain-Steve strategy — a scheme to humanize him (or maybe show the real Harper, as he might say). This time it was a stop at Ottawa’s venerable Prescott restaurant last Friday for one of their famous meatball sandwiches. Harper posed with the Prescott staff and posted the photo on his Twitter account. The Prime Minister has more than 296 thousand followers on his Twitter account. Last Monday, he  tweeted his entire day with photos including having breakfast with the cat. The effort seems to strike a chord with some people. In commenting, one Ottawa man said: “I remember in the late 60s when the Prescott had a men’s side and a ladies and escorts side. They still serve square pizza?  It was the best pizza in town way back then.” Another called the Prescott a landmark and said he was proud to have eaten there. “Congrats to Mr Harper. The waiter on the right in the picture must have more than 35 years service, an indication of the quality of the business and management.”