Bless those who prefer to work on “Family Day”

It’s Family Day and we wish you a very good one.  This Dalton McGuinty gift of a mid-winter day off with pay however should cause us to remember that until very recently most people worked on this day, and frankly, they didn’t notice that there was no Family Day. In fact, some of us would actually prefer to work today, but are prevented from doing so by the City’s concern that we might be — well — exploited or something. The City’s concern in this regard includes business owners who want to work and who would, we suppose, thus be exploiting themselves. Which brings us to Toronto’s much-valued quality of Diversity. We cherish it in this community but our recognition of it is selective. Hundreds of thousands of people in  and around Toronto enjoy a culture in which they take pleasure in going to work. Guess what. Many of them will go to work today. They do it not because they want to offend the law, or heaven forbid, get fined. They’ll do it because it’s their People’s culture since time immemorial. God bless them on this Family Day.